Bjarne André Asheim (Kairos Technology AS) and Geirmund Vik (Blue Unit A/S) are happy to announce their cooperation within decision-support for the fish-farming industry. The project has interestingly been named BUDDY!
Our customers have explained to us: “our dream is a biological assistant”. Clients are looking for digital tools that can provide more information and context for complex situations. A lot of different factors must often be considered at the same time and the human mind can sometimes fall short. However, this is where the computers can come in and help, as long as they get the correct input. In difficult situations it can be very helpful to have a BUDDY.
Firstly, our BUDDY will be positioned towards the complexity within water quality management in RAS facilities (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems). We are looking forward to getting our hands dirty and aim to have a new and exciting tool ready before the event of the year for the fish-farming industry: the AquaNor conference. The goal of this project is a digital cloud-based tool where one can input challenges and get support on what might be the reason, check the status and confirm, and get possible solutions to the issues at hand. Furthermore, we want to look at connecting environmental data directly from Blue Unit’s Lab Station for real-time support.
A tool like this will be great support both for experienced and new users who follow-up RAS facilities daily. BUDDY helps you navigate the complexities in RAS water quality management by helping you identify which devices on the farm is the epicenter of suboptimal performance. It adds value to the farmers themselves, since it can help them make their operational actions in a more precise manner, thus ensuring greater accuracy based on data, instead of hypothetical information.
Some might wonder why this is such an advanced issue that it needs its own tool. Water chemistry and biology are complicated themes, A small change to the water chemistry can make the water affect the fish. At the same time the growth of the fish and the feeding habits will affect the water quality. Therefore, it is important to get information about any changes quickly, as well as the coming consequences.
We are looking forward to presenting our tool and getting feedback on the solution later this year!